Samurize Server Options
When you select the Server Options... option in the tray menu for the Samurize Server executable, you are presented with the following options:

Image Output When enabled, Samurize outputs the loaded config file to the specified image file. PNG, JPEG, GIF and BMP formats are supported.
XML Output When enabled, Samurize outputs the loaded config file to the specifed XML file. For a description of the Samurize XML format, see the SamurizeXML.dtd Document Type Definition file in your Samurize directory.
Server Update Interval (ms) How often the Server writes the output files, in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds). Setting this to a low number can degrade system performance.

Note that the SamurizeServer.exe executable also accepts instance names like the Desktop Client, and output settings are saved on a per-instance basis.